دانلود کتاب Urban Design: Green Dimensions – نوشته کلیف ماتین

This book explores sustainable development and green design in relation to urban structure and built form.

The subject matter of this book is the pattern or structure of the city: it concentrates particularly on the organisation of the public realm. The book aims to relate the main component of urban design to a general theory or urban structuring with a
strong design emphasis but within the general field of sustainable city development. Any discussion of urban design that does not address environmental issues has little meaning at a time of declining resources, ozone layer destruction and fears of the greenhouse effect. The book therefore discusses built form, street block, quarter, city centres and city structure in terms of energy conservation and sustainability.

This book will be valuable in raising awareness and generating debate as well as providing useful reference material. It not only observes and documents the roots and growth of green design but will influence design, transport and policy for the future.

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